Join Baptist Healthy Communities
If your organization would like to participate, we invite you to complete the form below. To ensure your organization fully benefits from our support and services, please choose members from your agency or congregation to fill the following roles.
Health Ambassador
This volunteer will be responsible for leading a health promotion and health education under the designation and direction of the leadership or faith leader of your organization.
Community Connector
This is a person who represents the community and/or a non-profit agency and is willing to serve as a collaborative partner for sharing and receiving information, resources and education to foster and promote health in the community.
Clergy Connector
This volunteer should be your faith leader or other appointed minister. He or she will work with the health ambassador to educate the congregation/community about your church's health promotion activities and health ministry.
Baptist Representative (Optional)
This volunteer is a Baptist employee who also happens to be a member of your congregation, and is willing to serve as a liaison to the Baptist Healthy Communities team. He or she will receive resources and education for your organization’s health activities and health ministry.